開戦・青獅子の学級 Whispers of War (Blue Lions)
(青獅子の教室 昼)
Blue Lions Classroom | Daytime
フェリクス: ……ようやく本当の顔を見せたな、奴は。
Felix: So... He's finally shown his true face.
The same Dimitri I've seen once before―a beast who loves spilling blood.
イングリット: ……違うわ! きっと……きっと何か、どうしようもない事情があったのよ。
Ingrid: You're wrong! I'm sure of it. There has to be an explanation...
シルヴァン: ……あいつが4年前の事件をずっと引きずってるのは、わかってたさ。
Sylvain: I knew he'd been carrying the burden of that tragedy.
I understand his thirst for revenge. His family and closest friends...all massacred right in front of him.
But...it still doesn't add up. There must be more that we don't know.
メルセデス: そうよね……ディミトリがおかしくなったのは、炎帝の仮面が外れてから……。
Mercedes: That's true. Dimitri didn't come unhinged until after the Flame Emperor was unmasked...
アッシュ: あの2人……もしかして、何か関係があるんでしょうか……。
Ashe: You don't think...there's some connection between those two...do you?
(帝都アンヴァル・宮城 昼)
Imperial Palace (Enbarr, the Imperial Capital) | Daytime
エーデルガルト: 教団は、フォドラを支配せんとする欲望のために教義を利用し、人々を欺いてきた。
Edelgard: The leaders of the church have misuses creed to fulfill their true desire―to rule the word. They have fooled the people of Fódlan.
Long ago, they divided the Empire to create a Kingdom, and then...divided that Kingdom to create an Alliance.
They did all of this to make the masses bicker amongst themselves. They caused instability in order to reinforce their own authority.
They gathered gold and lived in extravagance. How? By preying on the devotion of those who wished for the goddess's salvation.
Those corrupt hypocrites cannot lead Fódlan to true peace. Their foul belief system must be torn asunder so that true wisdom may finally prevail!
エーデルガルト: ゆえに、私は決断した!
Edelgard: And so, I have decided...
By order of the Adrestian Emperor, Edelgard von Hresvelg...
The Empire hereby declares war on the Church of Seiros!
(謁見の間 昼)
Audience Chamber | Daytime
セテス: 信じられん事態だ……。
Seteth: I cannot believe it...
Let us recount the situation as it stands, Professor. After you returned from the Holy Tomb...
The Adrestian Empire declared war upon the Church of Seiros, as well as our allies.
Byleth: 宣戦? Declared war?
セテス: エーデルガルトは父王を退位させると、自らが皇帝になったのだ。
Seteth: Edelgard demanded her own father relinquish the throne, and then assumed the position of emperor.
She has deemed the Church of Seiros to be an evil of this world, and is calling upon the people of Fódlan to help her tear it down.
I must discuss our response to this declaration with the archbishop after the knights return from their investigation.
Until then, watch over the students. See that they remain calm.
(青獅子の教室 昼)
Blue Lions Classroom | Daytime
ドゥドゥー: ……先生。帝国が、教団に宣戦したと聞いた。
Dedue: Professor. The Empire has declared war on the Church of Seiros.
シルヴァン: ……ま、遅かれ早かれ、こういう日が来るのはわかってた気もするなあ。
Sylvain: We knew this day would come, sooner or later.
アネット: あ、あたしたち、どうなっちゃうんでしょうか……
Annette: What's going to happen?!
Choice 1: 心配するな Don't worry.
Choice 2: 今は続報を待とう We need more information.
イングリット: ……そう楽観的ではいられません。王国に侵攻が及ぶ可能性は十分あります。
Ingrid: We can't afford to be optimistic. It's entirely possible the Kingdom will be invaded.
シルヴァン: おい落ち着けってイングリット。この状況で、俺たちに何ができるってんだ?
Sylvain: Settle yourself, Ingrid. We need to carefully consider our options.
アッシュ: ……僕たちが無闇に動いて、状況を悪化させるわけにもいきませんからね。
Ashe: We can't just act rashly. That will only make things worse.
ドゥドゥー: ……待つしかないということか。
ドゥドゥー: やはり状況が判明し次第、一刻も早くフェルディアに戻らねば……。
Dedue: One we've ascertained the situation, we must return to Fhirdiad.
Your Highness...
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: ...